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Knowledge Mover Procurement

Procurement at Knowledge Mover is by commodity

  • Bandwidth and Connectivity
  • Commercial and Professional Services
  • Construction and Engineering
  • Facilities
  • Financial Services
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Real Estate
  • Outsourced Services
  • Supplies
  • Travel

Knowledge Mover works with preferred vendors

The first step when you are looking to sell to Knowledge Mover is to become a preferred vendor. A preferred vendor is one that has registered with Knowledge Mover so that a Commodity Buyer is assigned and purchase terms are established. As Knowledge Mover has needs for your products or services, our buyer will reach out to you for a quote.

Request for Proposals (RFP) Opportunities

Knowledge Mover posts formal solicitations on this website for potential suppliers to bid on open RFP's. Interested parties who want to participate in our bid process shall be solely responsible for checking this website for any issuance of addendums and to receive updated information.